Defended PhD.


Carbon-Silicon based composite anodes for Li and Na-ion batteries
Student Alper Güneren
Supervisor doc. Ing. Zoltán Lenčéš, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry and electrochemistry of rare earth elements in molten fluorides: recycling and recovery
Student Dhiya Krishnan
Supervisor Ing. František Šimko, PhD.
Scientific Field Physical Chemistry
Development and efficient implementation of fully relativistic methods for prediction of spectroscopic parameters of systems containing heavy elements
Student Mgr. Debora Mišenková
Supervisor Mgr. Stanislav Komorovský, PhD.
Scientific Field Chemical Physics
Study of hybrid materials based on polymers and clay minerals by theoretical computational methods
Student Sanam Bashir
Supervisor Ing. Eva Scholtzová, CSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Chemistry


Corrosion of superalloys for energy applications
Student MSc. Ramu Ambati
Supervisor doc. Ing. Miroslav Boča, DrSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Chemistry
Development and efficient implementation new relativistic methods for interpretation NMR and EPR spectra of heavy elements compounds
Student MSc. Florian Lemken
Supervisor Dr. Oľga Malkina
Scientific Field Chemical Physics
Functional surfaces of polymers modified by layered inorganic nanoparticles
Student MSc. Eva Skoura
Supervisor prof. RNDr. Juraj Bujdák. DrSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Chemistry


Application of organo-modified layered hydrosilicates for the synthesis of functional materials
Student Ing. Martin Barlog
Supervisor Ing. Helena Pálková, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials
Study of clay minerals and their intercalates by means of computational methods
Student MSc. Moreno Daniel
Supervisor Ing. Eva Scholtzová, CSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials
Increasing the bioactivity of the ceramic material based on silicon nitride
Student Ing. Hičák Michal
Supervisor prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík, DrSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials


Modern methods of infrared spectroscopy and their application in organoclays research
Student Ing. Michal Slaný
Supervisor RNDr. Jana Madejová, DrSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials


Interactions of organic derivates with layered materials
Student Mgr. Lukáš Petra
Supervisor RNDr. Peter Komadel, DrSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and analysis of deeply undercooled industrial molten fluorides
Student Ing. Šimurda Michal
Supervisor doc. Ing. Miroslav Boča, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials



Photophysical properties of hybrid systems based on clay minerals and cyanine dyes
Student Mgr. Boháč Peter
Supervisor Mgr. Adriana Czímerová, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Chemistry
Fully relativistic calculations of magnetic resonance parameters with application to paramagnetic NMR
Student Peter Cherry
Supervisor Dr. Vladimír Malkin
Scientific Fiel Chemical Physics
The new types of low melting electrolytes in aluminium production: their physico-chemical and structural analysis
Student Ing. Kontrík Martin
Supervisor doc. Ing. Miroslav Boča, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Chemistry


Chemical modifications of the natural nanomaterials surfaces
Student Mgr. Valéria Bizovská
Supervisor RNDr. Jana Madejová, DrSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Characterization of Silicon Nitride-Based Nanocomposites for cutting of hard-to-machine materials
Student Mgr. Bystrický Roman
Supervisor doc. Ing. Miroslav Hnatko, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Chemistry
Carbon nanotubes – influence on properties of oxide and non-oxide ceramics materials
Student Ing. Ondrej Hanzel
Supervisor prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík DrSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials


Study of the potential of fluoride melts for high-temperature applications
Student Ing. Peter Barborík
Supervisor doc. Ing. Miroslav Boča, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials
Properties of natural nanomaterials and possibilities of their environmental applications
Student Mgr. Anna Brtáňová
Supervisor RNDr. Peter Komadel, DrSc.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials
Development and applications of new relativistic approaches to study compounds containing heavy elements
Student Mgr. Anežka Křístková
Supervisor Dr. Oľga Malkin, DrSc.
Scientific Field Chemical Physics
Functional and high temperature properties of alumina based nanocomposites
Student Ing. Martin Michálek
Supervisor Doc. Ing. Dušan Galusek, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials


Alumina electroceramics for advanced plasma sources
Student Ing. Jozef Chovanec
Supervisor Doc. Ing. Dušan Galusek, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials
Construction ceramics with high electrical conductivity
Student Ing. Frajkorová Františka
Supervisor Ing. Miroslav Hnatko, PhD.
Scientific Field Inorganic Technology and Materials