Topics of PhD. 2025/2026

Fluorides for modern applications

Supervisor: doc. Ing. Miroslav Boča, DrSc. e-mail:
Study program: Inorganic chemistry, inorganic technology and materials

  • Object of the work will be the study of inorganic fluorides for various branches (e.g. sensors, lasers, batteries). read more →

Corrosion Resistance of Innovative Materials in Energy Applications: Analysis of Interactions in Molten Salts

Supervisor: doc. Ing. Miroslav Boča, DrSc. e-mail:
Study program: Inorganic chemistry, inorganic technology and materials

  • The subject of the thesis will be the study of desired and undesired interactions among various structural materials in the environment of molten salts. read more →

Hybrid materials with photosensitizing properties

Supervisor: Mgr. Peter Boháč, PhD. e-mail:
Consultant: prof. RNDr. Juraj Bujdák, DrSc. e-mail:
Study program: Physical chemistry

  • With the challenges of the 21st century, particularly in the fields of medicine, energy, and environmental protection, the demand for sustainable technologies and materials is growing. This includes the use of reactive oxygen species (ROS), read more →

Changes in the photophysical properties of organic dyes due to adsorption

Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Juraj Bujdák, DrSc. e-mail:
Study program: Physical chemistry

  • The adsorption of some luminophores can significantly change the photophysical properties of these substances. This can be caused by photophysical and chemical interactions between the dye read more →

Designing cost-effective and sustainable sodium-ion battery

Supervisor: doc. Ing. Miroslav Hnatko, PhD. e-mail:
Study program: Inorganic chemistry, inorganic technology and materials

  • Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) offer a promising alternative to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), utilizing abundant and more sustainable sodium resources. The aim of the work will be the development of efficient and eco-friendly SIB in a full-cell configuration. read more →

Development of advanced relativistic methods for prediction of spectroscopic parameters

Supervisor: Mgr. Stanislav Komorovský, PhD. e-mail:
Study program: Theoretical and computational chemistry

  • Nowadays, the study of heavy-element containing molecular systems is becoming more important in various scientific areas, e.g. in the development of new materials for data storage, light-emitting diodes, or anticancer metallodrugs. read more →

Desirable interactions molten fluorides of critical elements

Supervisor: Ing. Blanka Kubíková, PhD. e-mail:
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Miroslav Boča, DrSc. e-mail:
Study program: Physical chemistry, inorganic technology and materials

  • European Union (EU) suffers from the lack of raw materials in general and created a list of elements, defining a group of critical elements with low recycling rates. read more →

Interpretation of NMR spin-spin couplings in transition metal complexes

Supervisor: Dr. Vladimír Malkin, DrSc. e-mail:
Supervisor: Dr. Oľga Malkin, DrSc. e-mail:
Study program: Theoretical and computational chemistry

  • Transition metal complexes play an important role in many areas of chemistry. It is known than the sign and magnitude of spin-spin couplings in those complexes greatly varies depending on the metal. read more →

Development and application of quantum chemical tools for interpretation and analysis of NMR and EPR parameters of heavy-element compounds

Supervisor: Dr. Oľga Malkina, DrSc. e-mail:
Consultant: Mgr. Stanislav Komorovský, PhD. e-mail:
Study program: Theoretical and computational chemistry

  • Nowadays quantum-chemical programs became indispensable tools in different areas in chemistry. Different options for analyzing the obtained results and explaining the observed trends make them particularly attractive for chemists. read more →

Additive manufacturing of 3D glass structures containing a phosphor for applications with enhanced light emission

Supervisor: Ing. Monika Michálková, PhD. e-mail:
Consultants: Dr. Mahmoud Mokhtar, Jozef Kraxner PhD.
Study program: Inorganic technology and non-metallic materials

  • The primary objective of this undertaking is to create a novel form of optoelectronic materials called luminescent phosphor-in-glass (PiG). These materials are designed to be both cost-effective and highly efficient, with customizable luminescence properties. read more →

Preparation and characterization of luminescent glass-ceramic materials prepared by sintering in a viscous flow

Supervisor: Ing. Monika Michálková, PhD. e-mail:
Consultant: Dr. Marzieh Ghadamyari
Study program: Inorganic technology and non-metallic materials

  • The primary objective of this undertaking is to create a novel form of optoelectronic materials called luminescent phosphor-in-glass (PiG). read more →

Molten salts synthesis: A new way toward new as well as traditional functional molecules

Supervisor: Ing. František Šimko, PhD. e-mail:
Study program: Inorganic technology and materials

  • Inorganic molten salts as high-temperature ionic liquids have various beneficial physicochemical qualities as solvents and reaction media, including a higher oxidizing potential, high mass transfer, high heat and electrical conductivity, and significantly lower viscosities, densities, and vapor pressure. read more →

Novel perovskite oxides for high-temperature thermoelectric applications

Supervisor: Ing. Peter Tatarko, PhD., e-mail:
Study program: Inorganic chemistry

  • This research investigates the design and development of novel ABO3-type perovskite thermoelectric materials. Focusing on complex A-site compositions with at least four elements, the study aims to clarify the impact of B-site doping on key thermoelectric properties. read more →