

APSPQ – Umelé fotosyntetické systémy založené na fotoaktívnych molekulách a kvantových bodoch
Artificial photosynthetic systems based on photoactive molecules and quantum dots
Program: SASPRO
Project leader: Mgr. Matejdes Marián, PhD.
Annotation: The presented project deals with the development of a water-dispersible artificial photosynthetic system capable of capturing solar radiation on an area of several thousands of µm2 per particle and utilizing the gained solar energy within photodegradation, photo disinfection, or photocatalytic processes. The energy of the light radiation will be transported to a distance of several tens of µm via a non-radiative or radiative energy transfer mechanism to quantum dots located at the edge of the artificial antenna. After the funneling of the excitation energy to quantum dots, it is expected that this energy will drive at the quantum dot/H2O interface photoactive processes. Besides cadmium-based, it is aimed to develop simultaneously also indium- and zinc-based artificial photosynthetic systems having a much higher probability of being interesting for industrial/commercial applications.
Duration: 1.9.2022 – 31.8.2025
Potenciál vrstevnatých aluminosilikátov ako excelentných nosičov polykatiónov: dizajnovanie nových kompozitných nanomateriálov
Potential of layered aluminosilicates as excellent guests to accommodate polymeric cations: design of new composite materials
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Pálková Helena, PhD.
Annotation: The project is aimed at the preparation of composite materials based on layered aluminosilicates as suitablecarriers for different types of organic polycations, possessing properties interesting for various applications. Thevariability in the chemical composition of the selected layered materials in connection with the diversity of themolecular structures and properties of polymeric cations and copolymers opens up wide opportunities towardsthe preparation of well-defined systems. Careful selection of the inorganic carries and polycations is an essentialstep to achieve their mutual compatibility resulting not only in preserving but primarily in improving the keyproperties of the prepared composites. Therefore, the synthesis conditions (e.g. pH) and the addition of anothercomponent to the systems (fluorescent dyes, metal nanoparticles) will be evaluated. The cytotoxicity test topredict biocompatibility of the materials, photoactivity, catalytic and adsorption efficiency will be assessed as well.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024