

Žiadúce a nežiadúce interakcie roztavených fluoridov s materiálmi na báze kritických prvkov
Desirable and undesirable interactions between molten fluorides and materials of critical elements
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kubíková Blanka, PhD.
Annotation: The submitted project is focused on the study of desirable and undesirable interactions of molten fluoride systemswith materials based on the selected critical elements, the recycling rate of which is minimal in the EU. In thiscase, controlled physico-chemical processes are considered desirable interactions, in contrast to undesirableinteractions, primarily in connection with the corrosion of construction materials. The research will be focused onthe physicochemical and thermochemical analysis of molten fluorides, the study of solubility/corrosion resistanceof materials in molten salts, the synthesis of new substances, and spectral and diffraction analysis of puresubstances, molten mixtures, and solidified mixtures after experiments.
Duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2027
Fluoridové taveninové systémy pre zelenú výrobu hliníka bez produkcie CO2
Molten fluoride systems for green production of aluminium without CO2 emissions
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Šimko František, PhD.
Annotation: The proposed project is related to complex phase and physico-chemical analysis of multicomponent nMF-AlF3 systems (M = Na, K, n=3-1.2) with the addition of metal oxides Al, Fe, and Ni where compounds based on Fe and Ni are represented corrosion products from the use of inert anodes in aluminium CO2 less production. These are the so-called low-temperature electrolytes, whose research has recently increased attention related to the development and application of inert anodes. The aim of the project will be to define the solubility of oxides/spinels, the phase composition of the systems and to identify the individual components, arising from the interaction between the corrosion products and the electrolyte. These systems will be studied to determine the relationship between the structure and their physicochemical behavior by using either of spectral methods in-situ in the molten state, or by ex-post analysis of the solidified samples, and by physicochemical analysis of high temperature molten systems.
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2025
Hydrotermálna syntéza fluoroskandátov alkalických kovov
Hydrothermal synthesis alkali-metal fluoroscandates
Program: Other projects
Project leader: RNDr. Demovics Silliková Veronika, PhD.
Annotation: The presented project aims to systematically synthesize and structurally analyze compounds within the MF–ScF3system (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and NH4) with the general composition MxScyFz. The hydrothermal synthesis methodin Teflon-lined autoclaves will be employed as the primary approach. The main project objective is to establish acomprehensive framework for synthesizing compounds within this system, with a particular emphasis on monitoringand optimizing factors influencing the synthesis process and final product properties. The project will focus on thepreparation of multifunctional products, with specific interest in achieving thermally induced phase transformations inthe synthesized materials. The successful completion of the project will provide potential applications in the futureincluding the doping of new materials with specific lanthanide fluorides, allowing for the analysis of their luminescentand optical properties. Additionally, the developed synthetic procedure can be extended for the synthesis of ternaryfluorides of other lanthanides. The exploration of hydrothermal synthesis methods and the comparison with traditionalsolid-state conditions adds a novel dimension to the project, providing an opportunity to discover new compoundswith distinct structures and properties.
Duration: 1.7.2024 – 31.12.2025