Expression of interest for cooperation in research

IIC SAS looks for research partners in the area of inorganic systems oriented to the development, characterisation and optimization of new materials and new technological processes.
Target Partners: universities, academies, other research institutions, industrial partners
We offer: decades of experience in specific research, human sources, labs and advanced equipment for the following activity and cooperation:
- Multilateral H2020 projects (ITN Marie Curie schemes, ERC, ERA Chair, IRA or COST and, etc.), bilateral projects, projects with industrial partners.
- and postdoc positions (within various schemes including IF Marie Curie, students exchange, PhD. study and others).
- Researchers exchange and mobility.
Everybody is invited to find more data on this website in “Cooperation” menu. Specific information will be delivered on request. Personal visit is encouraged, as well. To find out more please follow this link
Contact person: Dr. Miroslav Boča (