70th anniversary of IIC SAS

On Wednesday, May 3, 2023, generations of current and former employees of our institute, as well as invited guests from partner institutions, met in the Congress Center of SAS at Smolenice Castle to celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of the Institute. Establishment of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SAS, is linked to the date of June 27, 1953, when the institute’s founder and first director, Professor Mikuláš Gregor, defended the scientific concept of the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry at a meeting of the Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Thus, IIC SAS became one of the founding organizations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, which is also celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. In 1960, the laboratory became the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, an independent organizational unit of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. In this form, the institute continues to this day.
In the opening speech, the director of the institute doc. Ing. Miroslav Boča, DrSc. highlighted the path that the Institute has taken since its inception, during which it gradually formed into an institution based on responsibility, trust, hard work and mutual respect. Over the years of its existence, Institute was and still is able to start new research directions, new ideas and bring new and important knowledge for society. Several of our guests as representatives of institutions with which the Institute has not only working but also friendly relations delivered congratulatory. The audience was addressed by prof. Ing. Pavel Raschman, CSc. from the Department of Non-Metallic Materials of the Technical University in Košice, doc. RNDr. Pavol Hvizdoš, DrSc., director of the Institute of Materials Research of the SAS, prof. Ing. Viktor Milata, DrSc., honorary chairman of the Slovak Chemical Society, prof. Ing. Anton Gatial, DrSc., Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU and prof. Ing. Ján Híveš, PhD., vice-rector for science, research and doctoral studies at STU. On behalf of the employees of the Institute, Ing. Štefan Varga, CSc., who is currently one of the longest-working researchers at our Institute. The official part of the program was closed by prof. RNDr. Jozef Noga, DrSc., vice-dean for scientific research and project activities of Faculty of Natural Sciences Comenius University, who was the director of IIS SAS since 1995 to 1999.
Afterwards, the audience was entertained by “stand-up” comedy artist Simona Salátová and the folklore ensemble Trnafčan.
We thank all the guests, former and current employees, who came to celebrate the beautiful 70th anniversary with us. We hope you spent a pleasant afternoon and evening with us.