

MULCOMAT – Multifunkčné kompozitné materiály pre cielenú detekciu, adsorpciu a dekontamináciu nebezpečných organických molekúl
Multifunctional composite materials for detection, adsorption and decontamination of hazardous organic molecules
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Jankovič Ľuboš, PhD.
Annotation: The proposed project is focused on the development of new generation of organo-modified clay minerals using poly(2-alkenyl-2-oxazolines) as representatives of non-ionic, but still highly polar polymers. We expect that organo-modification of montmorillonites using this type of polymers will lead to organoclay materials with more efficient intercalation and thus, with higher adsorption efficiency toward various hazardous organic molecules. The presence of poly(2-alkenyl-2-oxazolines) and poly(2-alkenyl-2-oxazines) in the gallery of clay minerals will ensure catalytic decomposition of hazardous organic molecules. In our case, we use for the evaluation of adsorption and hydrolytic decomposition organophosphate as organic compounds widely used as pesticides and they habe been already used as chemical warfare agents. The combination of improved adsorption and accelerated hydrolytic decomposition of studied organophosphates represents the main innovative aspect of the project and pave an avenue to montmorillonite-based nanoreactors for dephosphorylation reactions of neurotoxic organophosphate agents. Here, we present metal-free catalytic systems that are potentially usable for human and environmental protection. Moreover, poly(2-alkenyl-2-oxazolines) and poly(2-alkenyl-2-oxazines) represent new groups of polymers with reactive pendant 2-oxazoline and 2-oxazine groups, respectively, capable to provide post-polymerization reactions with carboxylic groups. In our case, 2-oxazoline groups will be used for the structural stabilization during melt mixing with carboxylic units containing polymer matrices.
Duration: 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2028
Pokročilé materiály na báze anorganických vrstevnatých štruktúr študované modelovým a experimentálnym prístupom
Advanced materials based on the inorganic layered structures studied by model and experimental approaches
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Scholtzová Eva, CSc.
Annotation: The project presents a combined theoretical and experimental research of selected pollutants adsorbed on the layered structures (LS) based on graphene (G), aluminosilicates (AS) and their modifications with improved physicochemical properties. Pollutants are extracted significantly, e.g., from contaminated waters, by adsorption on these LS. A comparative study on the adsorption effectivity of pollutants by layered structures of the G type (expensive materials) and clays (lower cost) is focused on understanding the interactions responsible for the forming and stability of these complexes. New knowledge about the way of pollutants immobilisation also contributes to the proposal of advanced hybrid materials combining properties of both types of LS applied in green technologies. The outputs from modelling will also interpret the results obtained experimentally to achieve a complex characterisation of the studied advanced materials based on the inorganic layered structures.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2026