Súťaž mladých vedeckých pracovníkov

Dňa 19. októbra 202ľ sa bude konať Súťaž mladých vedeckých pracovníkov.
Miesto konania: Ústav anorganickej chémie SAV v Bratislave, miestnosť č. 107.
Začiatok podujatia je o 9.00 hod.
09:00 | Otvorenie |
09:05 | Daniel Moreno – Halloysite interacting with two herbicides |
09:25 | Sanam Bashir – DFT-D3 study of the structural stability of montmorillonite clay with different polymers |
09:45 | Ramu Ambati – Corrosion of partially submerged samples in molten FLiNak salt |
10:05 | Alper Güneren – Enhancing the electrochemical performance of silicon-graphite anodes for Li-ion batteries |
Prestávka 10:25 – 10:35 | |
10:35 | Dhyia Krishnan – The electrical conductivity of the molten systems (LiF–CaF2)eut.–NdF3 and (LiF–NaF)eut.–NdF3 as electrolytes for the neodymium electrowinning |
10:55 | Jakub Michalík – Preparation and characterization of Er3+ and Yb3+ doped YAlO3 precursor powders and glass microspheres with optical properties |
11:15 | Mokhtar Mahmoud – Innovative Dye Sorbent Based on 3D Printing Technique |
11:35 | Florian Lemken – Long-Range Indirect 13C–31P Coupling in Isostructural Nickel, Palladium, and Platinum Complexes |
Prestávka 11:55 – 12:35 | |
12:35 | Viktória Planetová – Aggregation induced changes in absorption and fluorescence spectra of cyanine dyes |
12:55 | Guido De La Torre – Study the use of diverse sintering additives in silicon nitride to improve their bioactivity |
13:15 | Naser Hosseini – Joining of silicon carbide ceramics for extreme environments |
13:35 | Akrity Anand – Copper-magnesium co-substituted mesoporous bioactive glass for bone tissue engineering |
13:55 | Bruno Wolfrum – Red emission enhancement of YAG:Eu3+, YAG:Mn4+ nanocrystals in YAG aggregate |
14:30 | Oznámenie výsledkov |
- 1. Florian LEMKEN
- 2. Alper GŰNEREN
- 3. Bruno WOLFRUM
Členovia komisie:
- Ing. Blanka Kubíková, PhD. – predseda komisie
- Mgr. Monika Tatarková, PhD. – člen komisie
- doc. Ing. Mária Chromčíková, PhD. – člen komisie
- Mgr. Stanislav Komorovský, PhD. – člen komisie
- Mgr. Peter Boháč, PhD. – člen komisie